As you may know, a very generous villager is acquiring from the Phillips’ estate an area of land comprising of the paddock, the adjoining field and pond, for use by the community as an open space to be managed by RACCA. The legal process has been ‘grinding’ on but should be completed quite soon. The land will remain essentially an open space with some limited new planting as well as leisure and recreational facilities.
Once the layout is settled Wealden District Council must approve the materials to be used to ensure that they are in keeping with the location. Once we have their approval we will be able to apply for grants and funds for the equipment and facilities. Whilst all this will obviously take some time to complete we will have the benefit of the use of the open space as soon as the purchase has been completed.
The hatched area on the plan below shows the land parcel which our community will soon be able to enjoy.....we are beyond excited!!
